Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas, not yet?

Is it Christmas already? Look at all the Christmas decorations lighting up Orchard Road!

Getting tired of posing for pictures. Found a convenient spot to sit down while Papa was snapping away and playing around with his camera.

Mama thought a cage could keep me trapped and stop me from running around ... Oh no no, I don't think so ...

Hey I remember this Christmas tree! Saw it last year. Right here, at the very same old place! How nostalgic! Check out my blog entry a year ago.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Sleep Companions

Let me introduce you to my 2 favourite toys which accompany me to sleep every night. "Duckie duck duck" was Mama's but now it belongs to me. You probably can't tell that it is more than 10 years old! "Pooh Bear" is the new toy which Papa just bought for me, an early Christmas present!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wet Day. Wet Programme

Another day out! This time to the playground at Vivocity.

Having some fun before I got myself a bit wet ...

and very wet ...

Luckily it only started pouring when we were making our way home. Just the perfect weather for my afternoon nap! A fun-filled day for me but a rather tiring one for Papa and Mama. I thought I heard them say that it was more tiring than working, hee hee ...

PS: Papa bought me a new toy which I hugged to bed, together with my duckie. My sleep companions ... my next blog entry.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Biggest Bruise

This is my souvenir from falling off the sofa, my forehead knocking on the floor, at grandma's house. The biggest bruise I've ever had from all the knocks and bumps so far.


Still, I'm a professional baby; will smile for photo even with a big ba-loo-ku.

Me, Duckie, milk-milk and my boo-hoo-bruise