Thursday, June 4, 2009

1, 2, 3, pick, pick, pick, 4, 5, 6, pick, pick, pick

Can you guess what happened?

I threw an unopened brand new packet of soya beans onto the floor. The bag broke and the beans spilled all over the floor ...

The punishment for my mischief - pick up the beans and put them into a container. You know what ... best punishment I've had, it was so much fun! Although you should have seen the look on Papa's and Mama's faces, they weren't enjoying it at all. Adults are strange.

PS: The powdery marks on my face are evidence of my earlier mischief.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Restless Rascal

Why stay cooped indoors when you can run around outside, get some sun & vitamin D? They say that I'm a restless rascal who can't sit still, but I can't understand why they think it's fun to sit together in a big round table at a restaurant staring at each other? or maybe they are just salivating at the food on the table which don't look all that delicious to me. I openly refused any offer of the food, hmph ... *moi moi*

my panda has rosy cheeks from the "sun-tan"