I went for a late afternoon walk at Henderson Waves with my Papa, Mama and Aunt Sandy. This is my first family portrait with Papa and Mama - courtesy of Aunt Sandy's superb photography skills!
I started on my very own song to entertain everyone along the way. Don't you think I have the makings of a great composer?
Sit and reach is a piece of cake. Next time I'll show you my "happy baby" yoga pose! If you didn't notice, I'm sitting on my own, without any back support. I'm a big boy now, you can feed me ice-cream and chocolates. Please ... pretty please ...
Now that I can flip over from my back to my stomach and back again, I'm learning how to walk. Soon I'll be chasing you round the block! You just wait and see ...
I know what's my favourite snack. The menu du jour says little "toe-lettes" au natural. Sure looks toe lickin good! I can't get enough of it ... (slish slish dribble dribble)